Such joy waiting on tables of air*
with all you skillful women and men
but like roads, and seasons, and poems
every mixtape must come to an end.

Today is on Project Mixtape, and it’s been delightful and an honour working with you all. 

So, Richard, Dan, Nathan, Paul, Ollie, Paul, Sammie, Al, Rachel, Sheryll, Lucie, Gemma, Lauren, Ric, Karen, Chini, Gavin, Nav, Jason, Jay, Mikey, Astrid, Brennan, Steve, Haider – thank you for being a part of my last 97 working days.

Until we meet on another playlist,
I wish you all greater things.

Tolu’ Akinyemi

For future content adventures, please contact me at, LinkedIn, or 07725712793. Check out my silly poetry and other projects here.